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What are Affordances? 

Affordance are the properties of an object which show the possible actions that can be taken with said object. The most commonly used example is the handle one side and flat pad on the other side of a door. The handle affords that the door can be pulled, the pad affords that the door can be pushed. The characteristics of an object afford what can occur. It is a simple design process which follows the principle that an object should be presented with clear characteristics that make it easier to use. In this regard, if it isn't broken don't try to fix it. If you look at a light switch, it affords that it can be flipped in order to turn off or turn on the lights in a room. In this example, the design of a light switch is commonly used, which as a result makes it easy to recognise and be used easily by the user. Since light switches are so easy to understand and use, it, therefore, doesn't need to be changed to something more complicated like into a weight triggered pad. It's easy to understand and affords its function practically.

Examples of Good Affordances:

Below you will find examples of objects which have good affordances. The way they are designed makes their use simple and easy for anyone to understand.

Examples of Bad Affordances:

Below you will find examples of objects which have good affordances. The way they are designed makes their use simple and easy for anyone to understand.

Why is it important in video games?

Affordances are used in video games to lead and direct the player to a specific action or item. Good affordances will mean that the user will be able to interact with the environment without the use of intrusive instructions. Affordances are useful in games design, as it helps direct the player through the experience. For instance, if an object is highlighted, the player knows they should interact with it. However, if a scene had no highlighted items, it may take the player a lot longer to search for what they need. This can have repercussions, as the player may give up early and quit the game, this is visible for most games, as many have an achievement to see what percentage of players complete a game. If the game is too difficult and contains poor affordances, then the player may not want to stick around and witness the full experience.

Examples of Affordances in Video Games

Below you will find examples of how affordances have been used in video games.

Affordance Prototype

To test the affordances of objects in games, I have created a prototype of a scene with items which afford interaction to the player. Please click the button below to be taken to this page

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