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Phase Three
List of Ideas
After generating ideas, we mind mapped some of the ones which stood out to us. We reeled in the 26 ideas we created, and developed 8 of them as a group. You can see the mind maps we created below:

Loggers and Lawyers
I came up with this idea early on during Phase 3, through idea generation. I personally really liked this idea of a game which could be used to bring awareness to workers rights, how they are dehumanised, and how big corporations profit off of greed. The game itself would express how ridiculous these issues are through over the top, eccentric mechanics and gameplay. Furthermore the game would show the issue through the eyes of the manager of a large corporation, making the player te villain who hires identical workers and covers up any issues which occur. Collectively we discussed these ideas, but individually we went off an reasearched one idea which stood out to us most. For me, I choose this idea, as I strongly like the message behind it, please click the link below to be taken to the blog page surrounding this idea.

Portage Experience
This is an idea we all collectively enjoy. It was initially developed from Alexs research in Phase 2, and stood out to all of us. This idea has been discussed briefly already, however we have choosen to take it forward as one of the three ideas, as we all seem excited about the potential for this game, and as a result we have set aside time to explore this game in greater detail. Below you should hopefully find a link to a blog page housing this idea.

We all collectiely worked on this idea. Me and Jamie in particular liked the idea of a 3D low- poly relaxing game which sits the player in the position of a manager who would create their idealistic campsite. However, as the idea developed we realised this idea was starting to lack potential, and was drawing many traits and characteristics from similar games. As a result we therefore decided it was not worth taking forward to be one of our final 3 game ideas.

Beaver Experience
This idea was taken away by Bill to research and look into independently. As i said previously, we all went away to focus on one game in particular, and this is essentially Bills brain child. After developing the idea on his own, he brought the idea to the group and we all built upon it, adding suggestions as to what the gameplay could be. Overall we wanted the game which focussed on a journey, and drew its strength from its story, however from my understanding a story was not really discussed. Personally, I liked the idea of thegame, however I believed it lacked a message or essential experience, and was not fleshed out enough as the group collectively. Regardless, although it was a nice, pleasant idea, certain game ideas had to be cut, and unfortunately this was one of them.

Winter is coming
This was a brief idea that was developed by Alex. This was his idea which he researched independantly. It was breifly discussed with some members of the team, but the idea never took off. and as a result was scrapped.

Anti-game brain storm.jpg
Anti game was a starting point I suggested, which in turn developed to become Loggers and Lawyers. However, this was only one avenue that was explored, and there was still a lot that could be discussed with this. As a result, the potential of this game, and because of how it stands out from our other ideas, we have decided to choose it to be one of the three game ideas. We still need to research this, but hopefully you will be able to find a link to a page dedicated to this idea below.

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Food webs is another idea that most of the team seem passionate about. The idea rose through Alexs research in phase 2 into food webs and food chains. He has suggested that energy could be translated between species, and that the game could be about collecting as much energy as possible before becoming a new species. Me and Bill especially really like this idea, considering it could mean that the gameplay suddenly changes from playing as one species to another without any warning to the player. This sudden and brutal element of nature, being killed by something higher on the food changed, seems to hold a lot of potential. We therefore have also decided to take this game forward to be one of the final three.

Wolf Pack
Wolf Pack was taken forward by Jamie, in which he completed the initial research and developed a prototype for it as well. The idea was developed well, however unfortunately we thought the other ideas we developed gave room for a unique experience for us to create.
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